Prescribing Pharmacists in Calgary, Calgary NW
Our wellness centre pharmacist may now write prescription for certain medications by saving you time and energy. Our pharmacist can also write a lab requisition for your blood work. Ask our pharmacist for more details.

Prescribing Pharmacists in Calgary, Calgary NW
In Canada’s healthcare landscape, our pharmacists are playing an increasingly important role, especially in Calgary. Our prescribing pharmacists, are specially trained pharmacists to assess your needs, recommend treatment options, and even prescribe medications for a variety of common conditions.

Wellness Advice in Calgary, Calgary NW
We are here to support and help you live well! If you need some health advice or Medication Review and assessment of your prescription drugs or over the counter medications such as vitamins and ..

Wellness Advice in Calgary, Calgary NW
Our wellness centre pharmacy is dedicated to promoting your general health. To support you in achieving your health objectives and leading a better, more fulfilling life, we provide a wide variety of wellness services.

Renew or Transfer Prescription in Calgary, Calgary NW
If you run out of refills for your regular medications or you want to transfer your prescription* our pharmacists canhelp. Just talk to our pharmacist today and we will take care of the rest….

Renew or Transfer Prescription in Calgary, Calgary NW
Renewing or transferring your prescriptions is now easier than ever! With a qualified pharmacist in our wellness centre pharmacy, you can manage your medications efficiently, saving you time and a trip to the doctor’s office.

Vaccinations, Flu Shots And Travel Vaccinations in Calgary, Calgary NW
Vaccination services including travel immunization provided on site by certified pharmacists at Wellness Pharmacy in Calgary NW. Click here to book an appointment or just walk in!

Vaccinations, Flu Shots And Travel Vaccinations in Calgary, Calgary NW
Maintaining your health depends on protecting yourself and your loved ones from diseases that can be avoided. In addition to travel vaccinations and flu shots, our wellness centre pharmacy in Calgary NW provides a wide selection of vaccinations that are given by licensed medical specialists.

Compliance Packaging & Compounding in Calgary, Calgary NW
Do you find it hard to read your medication labels or hard to swallow certain pills? Our pharmacist can providecompliance packaging with larger prints and provide customized….

Compliance Packaging & Compounding in Calgary, Calgary NW
With compliance packaging and compounding services, our wellness centre pharmacy provides a complete approach to medication management that helps simplify the prescription schedule and provide the best possible therapy.

Prescription Refills in Calgary, Calgary NW
You can conveniently order your prescription refills by Phone, Text, Online, e-mail, Fax or in Person at Wellness centre Pharmacy.

Prescription Refills in Calgary, Calgary NW
We are aware that taking care of your prescriptions can take time. To ensure you never run out of essential medications, our wellness centre pharmacy provides a quick and easy option for you to refill your prescriptions.